



Indianapolis, IN

Job / Title / Position

Facilitator, Learning Coach



How Long I Have Used Elluminate / Wimba / Bb Collaborate

This is the first time.

More About Me

My husband and I are looking to serve the community and help educate our youth with the gifts and talents we have been given. It is our desire to empower people to live a life of freedom and creativity. People need to be given permission to be creative any more and we believe once you can tap into your creativity, it allows you to be free as well. Freedom and creativity establish an atmosphere and a desire to become life long learners. We would love to allow kids the opportunity to interact with adults and learn together in real community. Teach kids how to work the land, plant seeds, prepare food, and serve others the food they have cultivated from seed to plate. Their work will bring them joy, and serving is the only way to truly lead. We are looking forward to cultivating both leaders and change through Saratoga's learning community. Thanks so much for this opportunity. Allison and Todd Ballard