Saint Germain en Laye
Job / Title / Position
Executive coach, CEO
International Leadership
How Long I Have Used Elluminate / Wimba / Bb Collaborate
Almost 2 years
More About Me
Since 1988, Founder and CEO of International Leadership. I specialize in People Management by Consulting, Coaching, Training. I coach directors and managers who wish to obtain better results in exercising their leadership and in a particular context, in order to find solutions and implement appropriate measures; this long lasting results will be obtained within a specific time, and will give the participants more effectiveness and satisfaction. By means of appropriate support, to be able to obtain concrete results, for example: - Obtain enlightenment in a difficult situation, assistance for seeking different options and make ones own choices - Make decisions. - Perform a realistic analysis of the situation, identify the priorities, find and implement appropriate solutions. - Fix firm objectives, assess the performance and apply corrective actions. - Acquire new behaviour patterns, greater ability in the arts of convincing, motivating, guiding. - Tackle evolving situations. - Confront difficult situations. - Find and mobilize personal resources to overcome some inner difficulties. Some of our customers : Crédit Agricole, Caisse d'Epargne, Arcelor-Mittal, Vossloh-Cogifer, Castorama . From 1983, Consultant, Coach in the field of People Management . Previously : 22 years of experience as Executive, General Manager in U.S., European groups. In the field of Housing Equipment, Office Equipment, Consumer Goods. . We also are developping Interactive Training and consultancy through visio-conference in one to one basis or with hundreds participants from everywhere.