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- From 1997 to1999, I took the initiative to participate in the development of my home town, Tivaouane. A community which could not have access to the benefits that the modern world offers. So I organised English language activities that helped students to get ready for their examination such as, English courses, Lunch Club, debates on actualities to name but a few… Among the participants, we had students from colleges, junior high school and some other English lover. -From 2000 to 2003 two colleagues (geography – History and Mathematics) and I set up an organisation called SEET (Service d’ Encadrement des Eléves de Tivaouane).A structure on which, we back up students who had some gaps in subjects taught at school. They received an intensive training to get ready for their examination. - In 2003 too, I become a member and a moderator of a youth organisation in Tivaouane named UJETT (Union des Jeunes pour l’Entente et le Travail de Tivaouane).The organisation dealt with the awakening of youngs about the expectations of their area by fostering the social, cultural and economic development. -In 2005, I became a member of iEARN, Senegal (International Education And Resource Network).Since I have involved my students in some projects based learning that is to say teaching them how to use computer and connected them to their mates in the other part of the world. In so doing my students in Yaa Ndjiraa’s school Ouakam participated in some online learning project such as Global Art Work and My Hero Project.