



Casselberry, FL

Job / Title / Position

Emeritus Professor, Instructional Technology


UCF and UTB-Brownsville

Blackboard Collaborate vRoom Link


Twitter / Skype / Other Messaging Contact


How Long I Have Used Elluminate / Wimba / Bb Collaborate

4-5 years

More About Me

Following 35 years of service to the University of Central Florida in Orlando, I retired in 2003. Alas, a continual string of PhD candidates kept me busy assisting them until the fall of 2011 at which time my last PhD was graduated! My class I teach for the University of Texas at Brownsville allows me to do so remotely, the first four years having taught it from my home office in Central Florida, and the past four now teaching the class On-Location from Taiwan and China. I serve as an on-call consultant to both the Ministries of Education in Taiwan and in China. For the past two years I have been working on a book for use by graduate students from East Asia who wish to attend universities in North America. Initially I envisioned it as an inexpensive paperback; more recently I am looking at issuing it as a modest subscription e-book. It will be written in both English and Simplified and Traditional Mandarin.