
Welcome!  This is an independent user community for the Blackboard Collaborate, Elluminate, and Wimba platforms.

(If you're looking for more general public networking for education, we recommend Classroom 2.0 for educators and Student 2.0 for students.)

Start by creating a NEW account here (LearnCentral accounts have not been transferred over), then please feel free to introduce yourself, to start a forum discussion or create a special discussion group, or to just search the existing conversations.

To practice using Bb Collaborate for one of the LearningRevolution.com events, you can go to http://www.thepracticeroom.com. The instructions below on getting a trial room from Blackboard don't seem to be working anymore.

MAY NOT WORK: To get a new free meeting room, you now sign up for the free 30-day, 25-seat trial of Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing by clicking here. At the end of the trial, you’ll be automatically transitioned to a 3-person vRoom. Answers to questions about the vRoom transition can be found on our vRoom FAQ.

Thanks for being here, and "keep collaborating!"


Steve Hargadon

P.S. This is a user community, and unauthorized commercial solicitations to members are not allowed.



Sharing Whiteboards

Hi, I am a teacher at a virtual academy and I was looking for other teachers using Blackboard Collaborate  to share whiteboard files with.  Is there any place out there already created for teachers who use whiteboards?  Desperately trying not to…

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8 Replies


Hi everyone, I have downloaded a "session" (meeting.collab) from Blackboard but I can't figure out how to actually make others join the meeting. Do they have to download the software too or can they just join by sending them a link? Thanks for your…

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Hi Steve, everyone, Blackboard Collaborate has been an old friend for many years. I had a small role to play in introducing it to TAFE teachers in Victoria, Australia back in 2003, when it was Illuminate Live! Since then I have been using it for…

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Shared Repositories

In order to use the Box.net shared repositories below, you have to go to their website and create a free account, then return here and sign in with your credentials. We're still trying to figure this out, so if you have any feedback or ideas, please feel free to contribute to the discussion on this topic.

Latest Activity

DAVI RAMKALLAWAN posted a status
Nov 16
DAVI RAMKALLAWAN posted a status
Inter-professional Collaborations – NALIS Primary Schools Library Services Unit by Davi Ramkallawan

In accordance with the Ministry of Education’s Education Policy 2023-2027 and NALIS’ Strategic Plan 2020–2025, the Primary Schools Library Services…
Nov 16
DAVI RAMKALLAWAN posted a status
Salt for the Mind - A collection of poems from living in Trinidad, a beautiful Caribbean island, 2024 Salt for the Mind is a collection of poems from living in Trinidad, a beautiful Caribbean island. These poems pay tribute to growing up in…
Nov 16
DAVI RAMKALLAWAN posted a status
Idyllic Island Musings: An anthology of short stories and poems by Davi Ramkallawan Idyllic Island Musings showcase short stories and poetry inspired by growing up on a Caribbean island, nature and climate change, and daily interactions with diverse…
Nov 16
DAVI RAMKALLAWAN updated their profile
Nov 16
Steve Jones updated their profile
May 28, 2023
Steve Hargadon updated their profile photo
Apr 10, 2023
Steve Hargadon created We Collaborate!
Apr 10, 2023

The Learning Revolution


Steve Hargadon is not an employee of Blackboard Collaborate, and the content at WeCollaborate.com does not necessarily represent official Blackboard policy.