General (76)

Licensing options

Hi all,

I've sent a question to Blackboard regarding the cost of licensing options but still waiting to hear back

so in the meantime just in case someone here knows..

Isn't there an option to have Collaborate incorporated into your own website, ie.

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6 Replies

Pre-Class Music

I would like to play music before class in Collaborate.  The free Weebly site (using web tour) works but only for up to 10 MB, or 3 or 4 songs.  The paid version allows longer files but simply does not work in web tour.  Also, playlist no long lets y

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2 Replies

VClass questions again

On the trial version when a session ends the attendee is automatically sent to a "sign up for a trial"

page. With the VClass version that we move to after the trial period does this still happen?

Does 3 participants in the VClass version include the

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7 Replies

Sharing Whiteboards

Hi, I am a teacher at a virtual academy and I was looking for other teachers using Blackboard Collaborate  to share whiteboard files with.  Is there any place out there already created for teachers who use whiteboards?  Desperately trying not to rein

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8 Replies


Hi Steve, everyone, Blackboard Collaborate has been an old friend for many years. I had a small role to play in introducing it to TAFE teachers in Victoria, Australia back in 2003, when it was Illuminate Live! Since then I have been using it for we

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Hi everyone,

I have downloaded a "session" (meeting.collab) from Blackboard but I can't figure out how to actually make others join the meeting. Do they have to download the software too or can they just join by sending them a link?

Thanks for your h

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